Aerial image above inverness campus buildings

Land for sale

Prime development opportunities at Inverness Campus

Land for development

Inverness Campus is an exceptionally high quality environment. A world-class business location with excellent facilities, it brings together businesses, researchers, academia and scientists providing the ideal place to innovate and grow.

A range of plots, all part of the first phase of the Campus, are currently available for sale. They're ideally suited to small and medium sized enterprises. Businesses based here will benefit from the strong collaborative ethos of the Campus, and from the opportunities for research and development. You can also receive specialist, tailored support from HIE to help you make the move. 

Scroll down to find out more about our prime development opportunities.

Aerial view of plot 2 at Inverness Campus

Plot 2

Located at the very heart of Inverness Campus with a stunning loch side outlook, plot 2 offers a special development opportunity.


0.57 ha/1.4 acres (gross) 0.36 ha/0.89 (net developable area)


Can be provided on application.

View Plot 2 site plan

View plot in Campus plan


Plot 3 1000X749

Plot 3

Adjacent to the NHS National Treatment Centre- Highland, this plot offers excellent opportunities for life sciences organisations looking to work closely with NHS Highland.



0.625 ha (gross)


Can be provided on application


View plot in Campus plan

Aerial view of plot 6 on Inverness Campus

Plot 6a

At the most northerly point of Inverness Campus, this plot is adjacent to two key access points for the Campus. Two bridges link to Inverness Retail and Business Park to the east, and to Raigmore Hospital and the Centre for Health Science to the west.

The plot offers views across the full site and also north to the Moray Firth and mountains beyond.


0.34 ha/0.84 acres (gross) 0.29 ha/0.89 acres (net developable area)


Can be provided on application.

View Plot 6 detailed site plan

View Campus site plan with plot 6 identified 

V 2 Campus Aerial Crop Sept 22 With Hotel Plot

Plot 12

This plot at the heart of the Campus totals approximately 1 ha. 

The Village at Plot 14

The Village at plot 14 offers small serviced plots for sale to businesses interested in self-build premises.

Find out more


Campus Aerial From SW Plot 20 Aug 23 (002)

Plot 20b

With a strategic location close to the principal road access into Inverness Campus, plot 20b is adjacent to the Life Sciences Innovation Centre. The centre, developed by Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the University of the Highlands and Islands, houses life sciences businesses and university researchers.


Approx. 0.5 ha (gross), approx. 0.45 ha (net developable area)


Can be provided on application.

View information slides for Plot 20b (aka 15b)


Developing a plot at the Campus

Interested in building at the Campus?

Take a look at our design guidelines:

Design guidelines for Inverness Campus phase 1

Design guidelines for plots 1-17

Find out more about Inverness Campus

Explore more about Inverness Campus or get in touch to with us to discuss our current availability and opportunities.


Please get in touch if you need our help or would like to discuss working with us.

Business premises and land

We have a range of accommodation for your business - with high quality fitted out buildings to options that you can develop to your own business needs. We also have fully serviced plot for sale.

About Inverness Campus

Inverness Campus is a world-class location for life sciences, and technology based in the Highlands of Scotland. It provides the ideal location for collaborative working.


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